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The Korean Peninsula Conundrum

True Peace, Security and Human Rights

Washington D.C.


한국과 미국의 16명의 지식인과 전문가들이 한반도와 동북아의 평화에 기여한 UNC의 역사적 역할, 앞으로 다가올 한반도의 위기에서의 UNC의 임무, 한반도의 운명과 자유 번영을 통한 기여를 한국과 미국 정치인, 정책담당자, 지식계 그리고 여론까지 널리 확산시키기 위해 만든 논문집입니다.

DC Book Launch Event, H.R. 3446 -
“The Korean Peninsula Conundrum - True Peace, Security, and Human Rights


On December 13, 2021, KCPAC held a book launch event at the historic DACOR-Bacon House in Washington, D.C. to introduce the groundbreaking book outlining the dangers posed by H.R. 3446, the ‘Peace on the Korean Peninsula Act,’ to the world. The book, titled “The Quest for Peace on the Korean Peninsula and the Unrelenting Threats from the North: An Analysis of H.R. 3446,” features seventeen papers that analyze this bill and assesses its implications on the national security of the Republic of Korea and the United States, and the human rights of North Korea. The actual book was “introduced” to the world at this DC book launch event, whereby the almost eighty attendees who came were presented with free copies of the book.


The event featured a ‘who’s who’ of Korean Peninsula experts and scholars, such as Grant Newsham, Col. David Maxwell, Dr. Bruce Bechtol, Gordon Chang, Dr. Sung-Yoon Lee, and Amb. Morse Tan. The event also featured Frank Gaffney’s brief introduction to the video series produced by the Center for Security Policy, “Issues Alive.” This book launch’s main event was the two panel sessions, divided into focusing on National Security implications of this bill, and then the Human Rights implications of the H.R. 3446 bill, moderated by Dr. Tara O of the Hudson Institute, and Olivia Enos of the Heritage Foundation.


The importance and impact of this book launch cannot be underestimated, in that the dangerous H.R. 3446 bill was dissected and critiqued by world-renowned experts via two very important topics of national security and human rights, something that no other organization has done so far. Following the panel sessions, was a very robust and constructive Q&A session that further delved into the dangers of this bill.

Many members of the media outlet were present to cover this historic event, such as Radio Free Asia, Voice of America, Asia Today, the Kukmin Daily, Munhwa Daily, the Epoch Times, and the Tokyo Times.  Attendees also came from the US State Department, DC-area universities such as Georgetown University, George Mason University, and George Washington University. 

The One Korea Network (OKN), will be mailing out copies of the book, and the shorter booklet version, to Members of Congress, foreign Embassies in Washington, D.C., and the missions to the UN in New York City in early spring 2022, to further educate the policymakers and government officials of the United States, and the foreign governments with representatives in the US regarding H.R. 3446 and why this bill and similar initiatives by pro-North Korea, anti-US forces must be dealt with and stopped. 



Bruce Bechtol

브루스 벡톨
앤젤로주립대 정치학 교수


Gordon Chang

고든 창
중국 및 국제질서 비평가


Ron Cullifer

론 컬리퍼
동아시아 논평가

샘 패디스.jpg

Charles "Sam" Faddis

찰스 샘 패디스
중앙정보국(CIA) 요원


Anthony "Tony" Holmes

앤서니 토니 홈스
미국 특전사령부 자문위원


Sung-Yoon Lee

플레처 스쿨 조교수

데이비드 맥스웰.jpg

David Maxwell

데이비드 맥스웰
아시아 안보 정치 전문가


Grant Newsham

그랜트 뉴셤
안보정책센터 선임연구원


Denny Roy

데니 로이
아시아태평양 지역안보 전문 연구원


Greg Scarlatoiu

그레그 스칼라튜
북한인권위원회(HRNK) 사무총장


Ri Jong-Ho

전 북한노동당 경제 관료


Park Sung-Hyun

교육문화운동단체 이선본 대표


Park Nam-Soo

한국국가전략연구원 국방전략센터장


Nam Kwang-Kyu

고려대  북한연구센터장


Cho Chang-Rae

한글과 컴퓨터 고문


Jo Sung-Hwan

경기대 정치전문대학원 원장

한국인과 미국인 사이의 민간 가치동맹이
자유세계와 동아시아의 안보와 자유를 지켜낸다!


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